When enabled after a controlled early shutdown turns off the UPS, the UPS will not turn back on when AC power is restored to the UPS. If this is disabled, the UPS will turn on when AC power is restored. Defines how long the UPS sleeps (keeps its output power turned off) when you use the "Put UPS To Sleep" option of the "Control" menu.
It's a healthier option for the batteries to have the shutdown signal configured but in your case, due to variable server load/usage you should either deem one specific server as the most appropriate (based on a real time test) or leave the shutdown setting de-activated.
Once power is restore to the UPS, it should remain off until the battery is above a certain threshold, say 70%, and then turn power back on to the outlets. Any help appreciated! This reply was originally posted by Bill on APC forums on 7/11/2014 Low battery will trigger a shutdown of all outlet group.
Server 2016, 2019, 2022. Some are Hyper-V hosts I have a UPS battery hooked up to my servers. The OS can see the battery without vendor software. I am not confident in the vendor's software ability to shutdown my servers in a power…
The reason why we typically want to turn off the UPS after the OS shuts down is to handle the case where we've shut down the OS however the power returns before the UPS' battery is depleted. The attached computer will stay off unless the UPS cycles the power off and then back on.
The UPS would shut down when the UPS gets to low battery (default is 2 minutes but it be changed). What is your current runtime? Posted: 2021-07-01 01:16 AM . Last Modified: 2024-03-06 01:55 AM The cause may be battery deterioration.