To change the power and battery settings in Windows 11, open the “Settings” window and click the “System” button at the left side of the screen to show the system settings for your device. Then click the “Power & battery” category in the pane at the right side of the window to show the power and battery settings for Windows 11 in the right pane.
In the “Power Options” screen, you can then select the desired desktop power plan. For devices that have battery power, then back in the “Power” settings of the “System” settings in the “Settings” app window in Windows 11, the options in the “Battery” section let you manage battery usage.
Devices with battery power need to select durations for turning off the screen and putting the device to sleep both when plugged in and when using battery power. To set a power mode in Windows 11, select a choice from the “Power mode” drop-down in the “Power” settings of the “Settings” app window.
Within ‘System,’ find and select ‘Power & battery.’ Here, you can see options related to your device’s power consumption and battery life. Under ‘Power mode,’ choose between ‘Best power efficiency,’ ‘Balanced,’ or ‘Best performance.’ Each mode tailors your device’s power usage to strike a balance between performance and energy efficiency.
Then click the “Power & battery” category in the pane at the right side of the window to show the power and battery settings for Windows 11 in the right pane. If your device has a battery, then its battery change level and battery usage graph appear at the top of the “Power & battery” settings at the right side of the “Settings” app window.
The ‘Settings’ menu is your gateway to all system adjustments. You’ll find it conveniently placed in the Start menu. In the ‘Settings’ menu, click on the ‘System’ option. This section contains various system-related settings, including display, sound, notifications, and power options. Within ‘System,’ find and select ‘Power & battery.’