Normally, the solar energy grid con- Table 2. Range of voltage at the PCC. c. If the frequency is 50.2 Hz, the solar power plant shall inject active power up to 51.5 Hz. operator and the owner of solar power plant. not exceed 10% (of the rated active power of the plant) per minute. quality of the voltage waveform at the PCC.
For distribution networks with increasing PV integration, a local voltage regulation approach is suggested in . A very short-term solar generation forecast, a medium intelligent PV inverter, and a reduction of the AP are reported as forecast techniques.
Some major standards for PV integration in distribution systems such as IEC 61727, IEEE 1547, and VDE-AR-N4105 are defined and used in to ensure that the power quality and stability defined by grid codes for PV sources connected to the grid are maintained.
Current power systems are not designed to support the massive integration of PV and to respond to the grid codes. The application of intelligent and online control methods for better coordination between all parts of modern electrical systems is very important.
In addition, in , to prevent overvoltage problems in power distribution networks, the use of the battery has an important role and three various scenarios for grid conditions, are tested as the voltage control mode, mitigating reverse power flow mode, and scheduling mode.
This proposed method is able to prevent the voltage rise problems in case of high PV penetration. The maximum admissible limit of PV generators is evaluated in a proposed method in on the low-voltage supply lines of the distribution network. Different techniques of mitigation techniques are presented in some research studies [9, 10].