o the people of Papua New Guinea. The National Energy Policy will provide the enabling environment to achieve, the 2030 target for 70 percent electricity access to all households in PNG and 100 percent by 205
other petroleum refined products.Based on APERC Energy Demand and Supply Outlook 6th Edition (2016) Papua New Guinea’s total primary energy supply (TPES) is projected to grow approximately six fold from 2 Mtoe in 2013 to 11.9 Mtoe in 2040 as shown in Figure 1. Oil and gas dominate supply with a small contribution from renewables, primarily hydr
gy sub sector policies and plans.The National Government envisions through its PNG DSP 2010 - 2030 that seventy percent (70 %) of the country will ave access to electricity by 2030. The Vision 2050 in turn envisions one hundred percent (100%) power supply from renewa
ROLE OF ENERGY IN NATIONAL ECONOMYPapua New Guinea has attained a strong economic growth achieving an average of 6.0% annual Gross Domestic Product (GDP) growth rate from 2005 - 2014 with projections of
stribution of petroleum products.The Government shall establish mechanisms to ensure stable power su ly to support petroleum business.Government shall where necessary cushion Papua New Guinean consumers from the negati effect of high petroleum prices.Assess the continuing fe
nies of Papua New Guinea or SOEs.The concept of National Content is to enable or encourage more nationally owned companies to participate as sub-contractors or otherwise, hence creating more business and employment opportunities wi