When the lead acid batteries are shaken, the electrical problem is solved so that the electrolyte’s chemical process speeds up and the voltage, if low, increases. The shaking cause the electrolyte to mix properly in the lead acid batteries, which increases the battery voltage a little bit.
Shaking the battery helps a lot, and the car starts by fixing the problem with the battery. When the lead acid batteries are shaken, the electrical problem is solved so that the electrolyte’s chemical process speeds up and the voltage, if low, increases.
If you’re new to lead acid batteries or just looking for better ways to maintain their performance, keep these four easy things in mind. 1. Undercharging Undercharging occurs when the battery is not allowed to return to a full charge after it has been used. Easy enough, right?
Nevertheless, it should be clearly understood that wet (filled) lead acid battery is “a live” product. Whether it is in storage or in service, it has a finite life. All batteries once filled will slowly self discharge. The higher the storage temperature and humidity of the storage area, the greater the rate of self discharge.
When the shake in the battery has detected the electrolytes in the lead acid batteries in the vehicle that is not going to be replaced, pick up more and more vibration, you can say that the energy is given to the system so that energy is used in the work of chemical processes.
While this is true, it can also lead to battery stratification – which causes the battery acid to separate from the electrolytes and collect at the bottom of the battery. This leads to sulfation which, as mentioned earlier, leads to decreased battery performance and a shortened life cycle.