Owners of energy storage need to be sure that they can deploy systems safely. Over a recent 18-month period ending in early 2020, over two dozen large-scale battery energy storage sites around the world had experienced failures that resulted in destructive fires. In total, more than 180 MWh were involved in the fires.
In 2019, EPRI began the Battery Energy Storage Fire Prevention and Mitigation – Phase I research project, convened a group of experts, and conducted a series of energy storage site surveys and industry workshops to identify critical research and development (R&D) needs regarding battery safety.
Setting up minimum separation from walls, openings, and other structural elements. The National Fire Protection Association NFPA 855 Standard for the Installation of Stationary Energy Storage Systems provides the minimum requirements for mitigating hazards associated with ESS of diferent battery types.
Since December 2019, Siemens has been offering a VdS-certified fire detection concept for stationary lithium-ion battery energy storage systems.* Through Siemens research with multiple lithium-ion battery manufacturers, the FDA unit has proven to detect a pending battery fire event up to 5 times faster than competitive detection technologies.
55 Standard for the Installation of Stationary Energy Storage Systems, 2020.‡ Greater separation distances may be appropriate from critical buildings and instal
For ESS, the standard is UL 9540, Standard for Energy Storage Systems and Equipment. UL 9540 covers the complete ESS, including batery system, power conversion system (PCS), and energy storage man-agement system (ESMS). Each of these components must be qualified to its own standard: