R’s software environment, which was created for graphics and statistical computing tasks, is available as a free download. Because R is free, it’s a largely accessible language for those working in programming, statistics, and the data sciences. Currently, more than 2 million people worldwide work with this programming language.
Coursera’s R Programming is a fully online, intermediate-level R class that spans 57 hours. Participants learn how R is used for data analysis and different practical issues that can occur in statistical computing, such as using R loop functions and debugging tools.
It compiles and runs on a wide variety of UNIX platforms, Windows and MacOS. To download R, please choose your preferred CRAN mirror. If you have questions about R like how to download and install the software, or what the license terms are, please read our answers to frequently asked questions before you send an email.
R is an open-source programming language that is free to download and use. This scripted language provides users with a variety of analytical and mathematical methods, as well as statistical graphing capabilities. R is considered unique because it’s not a general-purpose language. Instead, it is used for specific tasks.
R is a particularly good choice for frequent users that plan to deal more extensively with statistics and don’t want to be restricted by their statistical program. Python is a fully functional, open, interpreted programming language that has become an equal alternative for data science projects in recent years.
R is considered unique because it’s not a general-purpose language. Instead, it is used for specific tasks. R includes a range of built-in features for statistical computing and doesn’t require third-party libraries to perform most data analysis. This article will take a closer look at R’s uses and the benefits of studying this language.