The industrial park must have an energy control center. That center would be the connection between prosumers, energy storage facilities and the power supply grid outside the industrial park. The prosumers cannot produce enough energy due to the changeable meteorological conditions.
Integrated industrial systems for energy self-generation and distribution Industrial systems or IP as more complex systems have an inlet of energy required for doing all production processes. Part of it can include energy integration of facilities. Energy that exits the system is lost energy.
In relation to this, PEIP or its close forms were analyzed and addressed many problems related to a certain type of industrial park. Based on everything given in this article, PEIP can exist only if every unit (production system or factory) represents prosumer that will be connected to the energy network of IP.
The design technologies for eco-industrial parks and the integration system of EIP can be at four levels (network problems - material, water and energy networks at the top level), plant operation problems (second level), process and unit optimization problems (last two levels).
The nomenclature as NZEIP is not found anywhere, and the author suggests Net-Zero Energy Industrial Park to referee for industrial systems that completely satisfy the required energy necessitate with their own energy production from renewables.
The boundaries of the industrial system can cover sources, but in many cases only solar radiation recipients can be in the physical area of the industrial system. Others can be investments of the company owners and positioned in a suitable place (in place of energy sources – virtual boundaries). IPs can be in interaction with districts.