In order to regulate the voltage from the solar panel normally a voltage regulator circuit is used in between the solar panel output and the battery input. This circuit makes sure that the voltage from the solar panel never exceeds the safe value required by the battery for charging.
This circuit makes sure that the voltage from the solar panel never exceeds the safe value required by the battery for charging. Normally to get optimum results from the solar panel, the minimum voltage output from the panel should be higher than the required battery charging voltage.
The proposed solar panel optimizer circuit ensures a stable charging of the battery, without affecting or shunting the panel voltage which also results in lower heat generation. Note: The connected soar panel should be able to generate 50% more voltage than the connected battery at peak sunshine.
A couple of simple yet effective solar panel optimizer charger circuit are explained in this post. The first one can be built using a couple of 555 ICs and a few other linear components, the second optin is even simpler and uses very ordinary ICs like LM338 and op amp IC 741. Let's learn the procedures.
Briefly, a concerned solar optimizer should allow its output with maximum required current, any lower level of required voltage yet making sure the voltage level across the panel stays unaffected. One method which is discussed here involves PWM technique which may be considered one of the optimal methods to date.
To perform the switching you need a diode between the transistors base and its emitter, (PNP Transistor) or the collector, (NPN Transistor). The diode isolates the base of the transistor from the batteries so only the solar cell powers the transistors base.