The energy storage technologies provide support by stabilizing the power production and energy demand. This is achieved by storing excessive or unused energy and supplying to the grid or customers whenever it is required. Further, in future electric grid, energy storage systems can be treated as the main electricity sources.
Smart Energy Storage Systems: Data Analytics ESSs are nowadays recognized as an important element that can improve the energy management of buildings, districts, and communities. Their use becomes essential when renewable energy sources (RESs) are involved due to the volatile nature of these sources.
For integrating energy storage systems into a smart grid, the distributed control methods of ESS are also of vital importance. The study by [ 12] proposed a hierarchical approach for modeling and optimizing power loss in distributed energy storage systems in DC microgrids, aiming to reduce the losses in DC microgrids.
The integration of energy storage into energy systems could be facilitated through use of various smart technologies at the building, district, and communities scale. These technologies contribute to intelligent monitoring, operation and control of energy storage systems in line with supply and demand characteristics of energy systems. 3.1.
Energy storage equipment can realize the input and output regulation of electric energy at different time scales, which can effectively improve the operating characteristics of the system and meet the power and energy balance requirements of a smart grid. The application of different energy storage technologies in power systems is also different.
Energy storage system to support power grid operation ESS is gaining popularity for its ability to support the power grid via services such as energy arbitrage, peak shaving, spinning reserve, load following, voltage regulation, frequency regulation and black start.