Procedure is best conducted during consistent weather conditions, where no array shading is present, and solar irradiance is not less than 400 W/m2. Owner should check system AC power output monthly near solar noon on a clear day
Inspection of the PV system shall at least verify that:a means of solating the inverter has been provided on the AC side.the inverter operational parameters h e been programmed to operate at local grid regulations.where an RCD is installed to the AC circuit feeding an inverter, the RCD type has been
e by a Test Engineer appointed by the Eligible Consumer. As a rule, this test begins after the completion of the solar PV system, although for large PV systems for safety reasons the Test Engineer may initiate the tests on strings during installation, in order to prevent parallel of strings
Confirm the system power output under actual conditions meets expected output. Actual performance should be within about 5% of expected STC power. This procedure includes system nameplate rating (kW), solar irradiance measurement (W/m2) and module cell temperature (C).
arge-scale Solar PV systems with the Saudi Building Codeburns, damage to eyes and skin and this energy increases with he arcing current and the duration of the intervention. In case of short-circuit, the arcing current in PV systems is lower than that in other electric plants supplied by the grid, but the duration is
everything in the REG system and for the commissioning. SEC will inspect and commission these systems according to its internal checklist, focusing only on the components and equipment imp cting the distribution network and the connection point.Referring to the approved WERA regulations and SEC connection process, the inspection and testing ar