Our Battery Relocation Kits give you all you need to relocate you car battery anywhere in the Car or Ute with a Red Key cut off switch that adds safety to your Car by switching off all power in Emergency’s. The Master Red Key provides Anti-theft and Fire protection. Can be fitted anywhere in the car.
Relocating the battery is a good way to spend an afternoon that will give you a big gain in handling and can reduce overall weight for very little money. Once just for better weight distribution, battery relocation has also found a home among show car builders looking to clean up an engine bay. We show you how to do it right.
In the time since it was first published, battery relocation has become one of the first things you do when you're cleaning up the engine compartment of a build, especially if you're thinking about a wire tuck. Regardless of why you want to move that battery, this article is a wealth of useful information to begin with.
Let's see what happens when the battery is placed behind the passenger seat. The left-to-right wheel weights are considerably improved and the front-to-rear weight distribution is still improved by an impressive 1 percent-equivalent to about a 5-inch engine setback. Most drivers can feel a 1 percent change in weight distribution.
The right rear of the trunk is the best place for the battery. Sometimes you can't fit the battery in the trunk, or you want to keep the car's polar moment of inertia low for quicker transitional handling. To visualize polar moment of inertia, imagine trying to twist a set of dumbbells back and forth from the handle. Sort of tough, right?
In an accident, the heavy battery can easily deform or break these mounts and bust out of a fragile battery box becoming a 40- to 50-pound missile filled with acid hurtling around the inside of the car. This sort of thinking can kill you instantly if it hits you in the wrong spot. A loose battery can strike you with melon-crushing force.