Standards available for the energy rating of PV modules in different climatic conditions, but degradation rate and operational lifetime need additional scientific and standardisation work (no specific standard at present). Standard available to define an overall efficiency according to a weighted combination of efficiencies.
The efficiency ranges for star rating are decided based on the analysis of more than two hundred PV panels across from thirteen PV panel manufacturers. Currently, 60% of the PV panels are spread across 3-star and 4-star ratings (see Table 5). Solar PV panels are covered under CRS(Compulsory Registration Scheme).
In the technical committee, meeting manufacturers mentioned that combining both the thermal coefficient of power (δ) and efficiency (η) for different types (especially the technology) of Solar PV panels cells in a single performance rating matrix may not be the technically correct way of rating a PV panel(Table 1).
Absence of a regulation or performance standard for Solar PV & Solar Water heaters has resulted as a challenge to consumers in making an informed choice while purchasing this equipment.
Those systems are comprised of PV modules, racking and wiring, power electronics, and system monitoring devices, all of which are manufactured. Learn how PV works. Read the Solar Photovoltaics Supply Chain Review, which explores the global solar PV supply chain and opportunities for developing U.S. manufacturing capacity.
One set of worldwide standards helps make PV cost effective. It also allows developers of new technologies or new materials to know what specifications and tests they are going to have to qualify to before they can commercialize those products. The International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC)