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Do coupling capacitors cause distortion?

Coupling capacitors in series between stages of an audio circuit generally have a large enough value to roll off starting below 20 Hz. Since little audio voltage is lost across a coupling capacitor at the higher audible frequencies, in theory their distortion should not be a factor. This is exactly what I set out to prove or disprove with my tests.

Does a coupling cap cause distortion?

The coupling cap will create mid and low frequency distortion. The distortion increases as the frequency drops. I saw a graph in an audio engineering book. This is perceived by the ears as a fat bass heavy sound, which some like. Amps with single ended supplies need coupling caps to keep DC from the output.

What is the function of the output coupling capacitor?

The function of the output coupling capacitors is to keep the DC voltage from reaching the speaker. This is very common for solid state amplifiers that use a single supply rail for the output stage. The capacitance is high enough to couple all the audio frequencies to the loudspeaker. A smaller value capacitor would limit the low frequencies.

What causes capacitor distortion?

The main contributor to capacitor distortion is its voltage coefficient. This is a measure of how much the capacitance changes as the applied voltage varies. Ideally, a capacitor should have the same amount of capacitance no matter how much voltage is present across its terminals.

Why do ceramic capacitors make noise?

Seems like the ceramic caps certainly could have been picking up noise or creating a signal themselves due to vibration. Worth experimenting in the future. Has anybody ever tried to use a very large ceramic capacitor as a pickup, like a piezo mic?

Can a capacitor distort audio?

One problem with capacitors is they can distort the audio passing through them. But this happens only when the signal level changes through the capacitor. At very high frequencies, all of the audio gets through; and at very low frequencies, none of the audio gets through. Distortion occurs only when some of the audio passes and some is blocked.

Effect of Coupling Capacitance – VLSI System Design

The figure below shows how peak voltage is a function of coupling capacitance C C, Victime drive strength R V and rise time on aggressor line. The higher V p is, there are more chances that it …

Do I understand the output coupling capacitors in this ...

A lot of times, that type of coupling is used when they want to lower ESR & insertion loss of the capacitors. Some will use that coupling method with different types of caps …

Symptoms of Bad Capacitors

An electrolytic capacitor can fail gradually over a period of years as it dries out. The insulator in the capacitor becomes inconsistent, and its electronic characteristics drift. In audio amplifiers …

Capacitor Distortion

Extended listening tests prove that sound degradation is clearly audible, even when measured THD is as low as -120 dB, which is not the case with transformers, by …

Swapping Audio Coupling Capacitors in a Tube Amp | diyAudio

Then the ability to hear the difference between the "sounds" of different coupling capacitors is reduced by the amount of global negative feedback. (Global negative …

The cause of abnormal sound of high voltage capacitor

The cause of abnormal sound of high voltage capacitor, Anhui Safe Electronics Co.,LTD.

coupling cap question

Try to replace the capacitor by a close value if possible (i.e. a 22n would do for 0.1µ for a test) and see if the problem still arises. If you do not have a bridge, and if your DMM …

UK Vintage Radio Repair and Restoration

Capacitors are, of course, prone to leakage and this can cause similar problems to the leaky grid coupling capacitor mentioned previously. Philips Positive Feedback! Just to cause confusion, …

Telltale signs of failing electrolytic capacitors.

There are two visible signs indicating an electrolytic capacitor is failing. These are bulging of the capacitor itself and leakage of the electrolyte...

Amp Capacitors, their differences and tonal affects?

By "authentic tweed tone" some people mean how the amp sounds with dead electrolytics, drifted or leaky coupling caps, drifted resistors, maybe tubes well past their prime …

Coupling Capacitors

I like forward-bright detailed sound. The good news is the Tung Sols 7591a''s appear durable. Any advice on affordable coupling capacitors greatly appreciated. ...

Capacitor coupled output amplifiers | Audiokarma Home Audio …

The function of the output coupling capacitors is to keep the DC voltage from reaching the speaker. This is very common for solid state amplifiers that use a single supply …

Coupling Capacitor its Basic Construction, Working and …

The coupling capacitor is a general parallel plate capacitor. Its construction is very simple. Just a dielectric is present in between the parallel plate capacitors. This coupling …

Capacitive Coupling Noise

Signal mixing is caused by noise coupling—either capacitive coupling or inductive coupling. Learn how to mitigate these effects with capacitive coupling noise reduction methods.

Capacitor Characteristics

Introduction. It''s often said that capacitors provide ''energy storage'', but in reality, many used in audio circuits do nothing of the kind. Energy storage is certainly true for caps used in power supplies or to bypass the supply rails of power amps or …

Stop Worrying About Coupling Capacitors!

Coupling capacitors in series between stages of an audio circuit generally have a large enough value to roll off starting below 20 Hz. Since little audio voltage is lost across a coupling capacitor at the higher audible …

capacitive coupling due to noise | Forum for Electronics

Inductive coupling is caused by a magnetic field which is caused by an AC current. Your a 28 page scan of an 35 years old article. It tells about "adjacent" wires …

Telltale signs of failing electrolytic capacitors.

The effect increases the effective area by a large factor. Moreover, a ''wet'' electrolytic capacitor is an electrolysis cell in series with a capacitor. So, in the case of very …

Coupling & Bypass Capacitors

2.0 - Coupling Capacitors. The purpose of a coupling cap is to pass the wanted audio (AC) signal, while blocking any DC from preceding stages or source components. DC …

Capacitive Coupling Noise in High-Speed VLSI Circuits

floating capacitor. An induced noise that changes the logic value on this floating capacitor can cause the circuit to produce an incorrect result. Furthermore, as the circuit speed increases …

Increasing Coupling Capacitor Values in Tube Amp/Preamp …

Actually, by thoughtlessly increasing coupling capacitors values you have more chances to degrade the amplifier performances than improve it, and end up with L.F …

Noise from Ceramic Coupling Capacitors?

Ceramic coupling caps would be unusual in an audio amp, although common in wireless sets. Changing the value is unlikely to affect hum. Can ceramic capacitors pick up …

Do coupling caps make a big difference in sound

3. The size of the test capacitor in ufd needs to be correct. Too small of ufd and the accurate/natural capacitor will sound thin. Too large and the accurate/natural capacitor …

Stop Worrying About Coupling Capacitors!

Coupling capacitors in series between stages of an audio circuit generally have a large enough value to roll off starting below 20 Hz. Since little audio voltage is lost across a …

Capacitive Coupling Effects

The lack of a ground connection in the DC signal circuit prevents capacitive coupling with the AC voltage from corrupting the measurement signal "seen" by the instrument. Noise voltage will …