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Does ruthenium oxide have a high specific capacitance?

The prepared 3D nanoflowers of ruthenium oxide as electrode material showed a high specific capacitance up to 545.2 F g −1 at 0.5 A g −1. Besides, the prepared material as electrode exhibited eminent cycling stability.

Can ruthenium based materials be used in supercapacitors?

This review provides a comprehensive introduction to the application of ruthenium based materials and their composites in supercapacitors, focusing on their synthetic methods, the selection of raw materials, the control of conditions such as temperature, electrolyte, and pH, as well as their electrochemical performances.

Are hydrous ruthenium oxide/ordered mesoporous carbon composites a supercapacitor?

Physical and electrochemical characterization of hydrous ruthenium oxide/ordered mesoporous carbon composites as supercapacitor X. Li, H. He Hydrous RuO 2 nanoparticles coated on Co (OH) 2 nanoflakes as advanced electrode material of supercapacitors

Is ruthenium oxide a good electrode material?

Ruthenium dioxide/carbon-based materials Ru-based oxide, a transition metal oxide, is gaining more and more concern as electrode material in SCs. Among Ru-based oxides, RuO 2 is a common candidate for research.

What are ruthenium based materials?

As a group of multi-functional material, Ru-based materials include ruthenium dioxide (RuO 2) and their composites, hydrous ruthenium oxide (RuO 2 · x H 2 O) and their composites, ruthenium oxide (RuO x) composites, and ruthenium (Ru) composites , , .

Which electrochemical capacitor has a higher energy density than pure Roo 2 x h 2 O?

By using the modified electrode of a RuO 2 · x H 2 O/carbon-black composite electrode, the electrochemical capacitor exhibited the characteristics of higher energy density and more stable power than pure RuO 2 · x H 2 O electrode. The composite exhibited specific energy and outstanding specific power up to 24 Wh kg −1 and 4 kW kg −1.

Electrochemical capacitor performance of hydrous ruthenium …

J. H. Jang et al. prepared ruthenium/carbon composite material with ruthenium nanoparticle and porous carbon and found maximum capacitance up to 243 F g −1 for 54.3 …

Studies on activated carbon capacitor materials loaded with different ...

Ruthenium oxide–carbon composites with different loadings of RuO 2 on carbon have been synthesized by an electroless deposition process. Increase in RuO 2 loading …

Synthesis and Characterization of Hydrous Ruthenium Oxide-Carbon …

It is shown that composite Ru oxide-carbon based supercapacitors possess superior energy and power densities as compared to bare carbon. An electroless deposition …

Ruthenium Oxides as Supercapacitor Electrodes | SpringerLink

Hu C-C, Wang C-C (2002) Improving the utilization of ruthenium oxide within …

Ruthenium based materials as electrode materials for …

In order to solve this problem, Sato and co-workers [140] loaded ruthenium …

Studies on activated carbon capacitor materials loaded with …

Ruthenium oxide–carbon composites with different loadings of RuO 2 on …

Ruthenium oxide–carbon-based nanofiller-reinforced conducting …

Wang X, Yin Y, Hao C, You Z (2015) A high-performance three-dimensional microsupercapacitor based on ripple-like ruthenium oxide-carbon nanotube composite films. …

Ruthenium Oxide-Loaded Activated Carbons as High Energy Density Capacitor

Although the BET surface area of the activated carbon decreased upon ruthenium oxide loading compared to that of the starting material, its capacitance increased. The maximum capacity …

Electrochemical capacitor performance of hydrous ruthenium …

Ruthenium/carbon composite materials are prepared by impregnating ruthenium(III) acetylacetonate into a mesoporous carbon (average pore diameter=12 mn, pore …


The leakage current of the capacitor decreases with increasing the ruthenium content in …

Ruthenium Oxides as Supercapacitor Electrodes | SpringerLink

Hu C-C, Wang C-C (2002) Improving the utilization of ruthenium oxide within thick carbon–ruthenium oxide composites by annealing and anodizing for electrochemical …

Ruthenium oxide–carbon-based nanofiller-reinforced conducting …

In this review article, we have presented for the first time the new applications of supercapacitor technologies and working principles of the family of RuO2–carbon-based …

Nanofeather ruthenium nitride electrodes for electrochemical capacitors

Here we introduce a significant advance in producing thick ruthenium nitride pseudocapacitive films fabricated using a sputter deposition method.

Ruthenium based materials as electrode materials for supercapacitors ...

In order to solve this problem, Sato and co-workers [140] loaded ruthenium oxide into various types of activated carbon by suspending activated carbon in RuCl 3 aqueous …

High-performance supercapacitors of ruthenium-based nanohybrid ...

Hybrid capacitor materials exhibit good electrochemical performance because they possess the advantages of both electrical double-layer capacitors (EDLCs) and …

High-performance supercapacitors of ruthenium-based nanohybrid ...

Hydrous ruthenium oxide/multiwalled carbon nanotube composites were used to obtain high energy density performances [46]. ... From the Bode diagrams, the low phase …

Physical and electrochemical characterization of hydrous ruthenium ...

Semantic Scholar extracted view of "Physical and electrochemical characterization of hydrous ruthenium oxide/ordered mesoporous carbon composites as …

Electrochemical behavior of activated-carbon capacitor materials …

An electrochemical capacitor made with ruthenium oxide-carbon composite electrodes demonstrated current densities as high as 1.57 A/cm(2). View. Show abstract.

Charge storage and capacitance-type properties of multi-walled carbon …

The ruthenium analogue of Prussian Blue, ruthenium(II,III,IV) hexacyanoruthenate(II,III), was demonstrated to form ultra-thin films (deposits) of mixed-valent …

The development supercapacitor from activated carbon by …

By varying the amount of ruthenium salt in the electroless bath it was possible to load large quantities of ruthenium onto the surface of carbon. A maximum capacitance of 260 …


The leakage current of the capacitor decreases with increasing the ruthenium content in electrodes, which demonstrates that the leakage current produced by the active carbon …

High-performance supercapacitors of ruthenium-based nanohybrid ...

High energy density performance of hydrothermally produced hydrous ruthenium oxide/multiwalled carbon nanotubes composite: design of an asymmetric …

Ruthenium Oxide-Loaded Activated Carbons as High Energy …

Although the BET surface area of the activated carbon decreased upon ruthenium oxide …

Ruthenium Oxide‐Carbon Composite Electrodes for Electrochemical Capacitors

The CV curve symmetry improved significantly at high voltage scan rates using composite electrodes, and the specific capacitance was less sensitive to the voltage scan rate. …

Ruthenium based materials as electrode materials for supercapacitors ...

Ruthenium is a multivalence rare metal element, hard, brittle, and in light grey. It is a member of platinum group metal [78], [79], [80] spite the fact that ruthenium is one of …