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How many meanings of battery are there?

There are 28 meanings listed in OED's entry for the noun battery, five of which are labelled obsolete. See ‘Meaning & use’ for definitions, usage, and quotation evidence. battery has developed meanings and uses in subjects including OED is undergoing a continuous programme of revision to modernize and improve definitions.

What is battery noun?

Definition of battery noun from the Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary [countable] a device that is placed inside a car engine, clock, radio, etc. and that produces the electricity that makes it work The battery is flat (= it is no longer producing electricity). With our product you get longer battery life.

What is the collective noun for battery?

- Answers The collective noun battery is used for a battery of barracudas, a battery of tests, and a battery of guns. Q:

What is the origin of battery?

Origin battery 1. (1500-1600) Old French baterie, from batre “to hit”; 2. from the idea of hitting with gunfire; 3. from the idea of a group of electricity-producing cells joined together battery meaning, definition, what is battery: an object that provides a supply of elec...: Learn more.

What is a car battery?

A car battery is a rectangular box containing acid that is found in a car engine. It provides the electricity needed to start the car. ...a car with a flat battery. A battery of equipment such as guns, lights, or computers is a large set of it kept together in one place. A battery of people or things is a very large number of them.

What is a battery of equipment?

A battery of equipment such as guns, lights, or computers is a large set of it kept together in one place. A battery of people or things is a very large number of them. A battery of tests is a set of tests that is used to assess a number of different aspects of something, such as your health.

Noun Phrase: Explanation and Examples

(Here, the noun phrase is the subject of the verb "relaxes.") I know the back streets. (Here, the noun phrase is the direct object of the verb "know.") She was the devil in disguise. (Here, the noun phrase is a subject complement …

battery, n. meanings, etymology and more

What does the noun battery mean? There are 28 meanings listed in OED''s entry for the noun …

Battery Definition & Meaning

The meaning of BATTERY is the act of beating someone or something with successive blows : the act of battering. How to use battery in a sentence.

battery noun

Definition of battery noun in Oxford Advanced Learner''s Dictionary. Meaning, pronunciation, …

BATTERY | meaning

BATTERY definition: 1. an object that provides electricity for things such as radios, toys, or cars: 2. the crime of…. Learn more.

batterie, n. meanings, etymology and more

What does the noun batterie mean? There are three meanings listed in OED''s entry for the noun batterie . See ''Meaning & use'' for definitions, usage, and quotation evidence.

batterie, n. meanings, etymology and more

What does the noun batterie mean? There are three meanings listed in OED''s entry for the …

What is the plural of battery

While the thunder of the batteries rumbled in the distance, we pasted, we recited, we versified, we sang with all our soul.: Some fan diffusers are powered by both electricity and batteries …

What is the Collective Noun for Batteries?

Batteries Collective Noun What is a group of Batteries called? A group of batteries is called a pack. Besides, based on different situations terms like set, bank, and array are used to denote …

BATTERY definition in American English

A car battery is a rectangular box containing acid that is found in a car engine. It provides the electricity needed to start the car. ... noun (Extractive engineering: Downstream facilities, …

Battery Definition & Meaning

The meaning of BATTERY is the act of beating someone or something with successive blows : …

What is the collective noun for battery?

The noun ''battery'' is used as a collective noun for: a battery of barracudas; a battery of tests; a battery of guns.

battery noun

Definition of battery noun in Oxford Advanced Learner''s Dictionary. Meaning, pronunciation, picture, example sentences, grammar, usage notes, synonyms and more.

BATTERY definition and meaning | Collins English …

A battery is a device for turning chemical energy into electrical energy, consisting of a number of primary or secondary cells arranged in series or parallel.

battery, n. meanings, etymology and more

What does the noun battery mean? There are 28 meanings listed in OED''s entry for the noun battery, five of which are labelled obsolete. See ''Meaning & use'' for definitions, usage, and …

BATTERY definition and meaning | Collins English Dictionary

A battery is a device for turning chemical energy into electrical energy, consisting of a number of primary or secondary cells arranged in series or parallel.


A battery is a headmate that energizes, or recharges the energy (physical, mental, or emotional) of their system, sisasystem, or body.This typically occurs while they are …

What is the Difference Between a Battery and an Accumulator

A battery is a primary cell that produces electrical energy by means of a chemical reaction that cannot be reversed. Once the chemical reaction is complete, the battery …

battery | meaning of battery in Longman Dictionary of …

From Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English Related topics: Electricity, Agriculture, Weapons, Crime battery bat‧ter‧y / ˈbæt ə ri / S2 noun (plural batteries) 1 electricity [countable] …

Battery Definition & Meaning

The meaning of BATTERY is the act of beating someone or something with successive blows : the act of battering. How to use battery in a sentence. ... battery. noun. bat· tery ˈbat-ə-rē, ˈba …

BATTERY | English meaning

BATTERY definition: 1. a device that produces electricity to provide power for electronic devices, cars, etc.: 2. a…. Learn more.

BATTERY | meaning

BATTERY definition: 1. an object that provides electricity for things such as radios, toys, or …

What is the collective noun for battery?

The noun ''battery'' is used as a collective noun for: a battery of barracudas; a …

Battery Definition & Meaning | Britannica Dictionary

BATTERY meaning: 1 : a device that is placed inside a machine (such as a clock, toy, or car) …

Battery Definition & Meaning | Britannica Dictionary

BATTERY meaning: 1 : a device that is placed inside a machine (such as a clock, toy, or car) to supply it with electricity; 2 : a usually large group of similar people, things, or ideas that work …

What is a Noun? (Types, Definition, Examples, Word Lists)

What is a noun? How does a noun work? A noun typically refers to a person, place, or thing. There are many types of nouns and plural forms of abstract nouns. For example, a concrete noun, which is a type of …