The Kathu Solar PV Energy Facility Site is classified as Ground Type 1: Rock or other rock-like geological formation, including at most 5 m of weaker material at the surface where the average velocity propagation of S-waves in the upper 30 m of the soil profile at shear strains of 10-5 or less exceeds 800m/s.
The Kathu Solar PV Energy Facility Site area has a peak ground acceleration of less than 0.05 g and falls outside Zone 1 or Zone 2 (Figure 6). Therefore no provision has to be made for seismic loading in the design of the structures or foundations. 3. DATA COLLECTION 3.1. DESKTOP STUDY
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PROFILE 2: HILLWASH For profile 2 the geotechnical risk with respect to development is F2 (Table 11) indicating that shallow bedrock conditions exist where between 10% and 40 % of total excavation to 1.5m deep trenches will consist of hardpan calcrete. No potential for karstification and possibly stable.
6.7. ACCESS ROUTE AND POWERLINE CORRIDORS The AEP Kathu Solar PV facility will be connected to a new substation to be constructed approximately 2.4 km due west of the site, across the N14. The connection distance between the onsite substation and the new substation is via a loop in loop out bus.
The PV tracker panels can again be founded in pre-bored rammed pile that are longer. The excavatable material above the hardpan calcrete has poor friction characteristics and cannot be counted on to generate significant shear friction. The recommended installation depth of the pre-bored rammed piles are 3.0m.