The findings presented in this study underscore the critical synergies between Distributed Resources (DR), specifically Renewable Energy Sources (RES) and Battery Energy Storage Systems (BESS), in enhancing the sustainability, reliability, and flexibility of modern power systems.
Distributed Resources (DR), including both Distributed Generation (DG) and Battery Energy Storage Systems (BESS), are integral components in the ongoing evolution of modern power systems.
An optimal allocation and sizing strategy of distributed energy storage systems to improve performance of distribution networks. J Energy Storage 2019; 26: 100847. 10. Pimm AJ, Cockerill TT, Taylor PG. The potential for peak shaving on low voltage distribution networks using electricity storage.
By deploying multi-type energy storage systems, such as electrochemical energy storage, heat storage, and gas storage, the consumption of clean energy can be realized at a large scale and with high efficiency.
With its bi-directional and flexible power characteristics, energy storage can effectively solve the security and stability issues brought by the integration of distributed power generation into the distribution network, many researches have been conducted on the urban distribution networks.
According to the data presented in this figure, by configuring energy storage systems at node 32, maximum power of the load is reduced from nearly 1 MW to 0.74 MW, effectively alleviating the problem of heavy load on this line and enhancing the regulatory ability of the system.