Connect the adapter cables from the charging controller to the solar panel. Measure the power output. Bring the solar panel outside, and position it in the sun. Your solar panel’s output will be measured by the watt meter, which will turn on immediately.
These two metrics are essential for determining the power output and overall efficiency of your solar panels. Voltage (V) measures the electrical potential or pressure that drives the flow of electricity in a circuit. In the context of solar panels, voltage indicates the potential energy generated by the panels.
You can check if your solar panel is charging a battery by using a multimeter. Connect the probes to the positive and negative wires from the solar panel and set the multimeter to the direct current voltage setting. If the multimeter shows a reading around 12-20v during peak sunlight times, the solar panel is working and charging the battery.
To accurately assess a solar panel’s performance, measure the voltage and current output using a multimeter set to the appropriate settings. Analyze the voltage output by using a multimeter set to measure DC volts and ensuring correct connections for accurate readings.
Note: You can more easily measure PV current by using a clamp meter, which I discuss below in method #2. That’s right — you can use a multimeter to measure how much current your solar panel is outputting. However, to do so your solar panel needs to be connected to your solar system.
Voltage (V) measures the electrical potential or pressure that drives the flow of electricity in a circuit. In the context of solar panels, voltage indicates the potential energy generated by the panels. Higher voltage means a greater potential to drive current through your electrical system.