If you want to find out the best placement for your solar panels based on your location and roof characteristics, you can use online tools such as solar panel calculator UK or solar maps. These tools can help you estimate how much energy your solar panels can produce depending on their direction and angle.
The best orientation for a solar panel depends on where you are in the world. Solar panels in the UK will always work best when pointed south, as it means they’re facing the sun. This is usually known as a zero-degree 'azimuth', which is the ideal position.
The optimal tilt angle of photovoltaic solar panels is that the surface of the solar panel faces the Sun perpendicularly. However, the angle of incidence of solar radiation varies during the day and during different times of the year.
Solar panel angle refers to the vertical tilt of your solar system on your roof and it varies per geographic location. The best angle for solar panels in the UK is somewhere between 30° and 40°. However, this also varies depending on where in the UK your home is situated, as you can see below:
But here in the UK, which gets less than half the annual sunshine of South Africa (1,387 hours versus SA’s 3,103), you need to put in a little more planning, and position your solar panels to capture maximum sunlight. The best direction for solar panels is the same wherever you are in the UK: facing south, and pitched at 40 degrees.
To find out, we used the MCS PV Output Calculator, which lets MCS-certified solar panel installers calculate the best direction and angle for panels anywhere in the UK. It reveals how much more, and less, energy a panel produces when facing north, south, east and west, and when tilted at various angles from the horizontal. Here’s a quick summary:
However, as a solar professional, it''s still important to have an understanding of the rules that guide string sizing. Solar panel wiring is a complicated topic and we won''t delve into all of the details in this article, but whether you''re new to the …