The Dalian Flow Battery Energy Storage Peak-shaving Power Station won’t quite meet this output to begin with, but is designed to be scaled up and eventually output 200 MW with an 800-MWh capacity. It is therefore billed as the world’s largest flow battery so far, and China’s first large-scale chemical energy storage demonstration project.
In the power system, the load usually shows “peak” and “valley” differences. It refers to the fact that the load is higher during certain times of the day and lower during other times of the day. In order to meet the peak demand, the power system needs to carry out peak-shaving.
Utilizing the deep regulation capability of thermal power units and energy storage for peak-shaving and valley filling is an important means to enhance the peak-shaving capacity of the Ningxia power system. There are existing references on the economic optimization of operation using energy storage and thermal power units.
The problem of peak-shaving in the Ningxia power system Peak-shaving refers to the reasonable adjustment of power system according to the change of power load to ensure the reliability and stability of a power supply. In the power system, the load usually shows “peak” and “valley” differences.
However, the demand for ES capacity to enhance the peak shaving and frequency regulation capability of power systems with high penetration of RE has not been clarified at present. In this context, this study provides an approach to analyzing the ES demand capacity for peak shaving and frequency regulation.
The inherent capacity of a power system cannot meet the demand of peak-shaving. It is necessary to use high cost resources such as depth peaking, starting and stopping peaking and energy storage of thermal power units. 2.1. Current situation and planning of renewable energy