The objective of this paper is to introduce the integration of the diverse factors that affect the performance of Photovoltaic panels and how those factors affect the performance of the system. Those factors include: environmental, PV system, installation, cost factors as well as other miscellaneous factors.
This review examined the many environmental factors that influence solar PV performance. The individual and combined effects of several key factors must be understood and mitigated to optimize PV output: solar irradiance, temperature, cloud cover, dust and pollutants, snow cover, albedo, and extreme weather events. Some of the key findings are:
In this study, an investigation about recent works regarding the effect of environmental and operational factors on the performance of solar PV cell is presented. It is found that dust allocation and soiling effect are crucial, along with the humidity and temperature that largely affect the performance of PV module.
Several factors affect the operation of PV systems and the power generated from them. These factors are classified in this research as: Environmental factors, PV system factors, installation factors, cost factors or miscellaneous factors and each of which will be discussed separately along with its sub-factors. 4. Environmental factors
South-facing panels have the leverage to absorb sunlight till evenings and rays touch the panels more directly than other orientations. Overall, efficiency is influenced by their orientation along with the location of your house. This is one of the factors affecting solar panel efficiency. 5. Maintenance
The structure of the PV panel greatly affects the power output. This structure may include the material from which the panel is constructed, its atomic structure as well as the band gap energy of the material used. 5.4.1. PV material The choice of the PV material can have important effects on system design and performance.