The solar battery charging system is only complete if these components are in working order: the array or panels, the charge controller, and the batteries. Here is what happens right from when sunlight hits the panel to when the battery receives and stores energy:
This is called the charging system. As you’ll learn below, the solar battery charging process is also a controlled chain of events to prevent damage. The solar battery charging system is only complete if these components are in working order: the array or panels, the charge controller, and the batteries.
When Bulk Charging is complete and the battery is about 80% to 90% charged, absorption charging is applied. During Absorption Charging, constant-voltage regulation is applied but the current is reduced as the solar batteries approach a full state of charge. This prevents heating and excessive battery gassing.
The solar to battery charging efficiency was 8.5%, which was nearly the same as the solar cell efficiency, leading to potential loss-free energy transfer to the battery.
Note that these do not always mean a failed system; they can also indicate a bad battery. The solar battery charging problems and their solutions are discussed below. A solar battery not charging can indicate issues with many things: improper wiring, faulty charging components such as charger controllers, panels, or even the battery itself.
During bulk charging for solar, the battery’s voltage increases to about 14.5 volts for a nominal 12-volt battery. When Bulk Charging is complete and the battery is about 80% to 90% charged, absorption charging is applied.