Besides, the virtual energy storage model can quantify the adequacy and shortage of flexible resources in the microgrid, and then provide a reference for the cooperative scheduling of interconnected multi-microgrids under the information privacy of microgrid. Yinghao Ma: Conceptualization, Methodology, Investigation.
A novel distributed inertia control method for DC microgrid is proposed. The virtual battery algorithm is used for steady power allocation. Dual extended Kalman filter algorithm provides batteries' real-time states. The small-signal model is established to analyze the stability.
The decentralized and coordinated scheduling model based on the virtual energy storage proposed in this paper is constructed as an upper-level central controller and a lower-level sub-microgrid optimized scheduling model, the structural framework of which is shown in Fig. 2.
The power balance between complicated loads like electric vehicles and distributed sources stimulates the urgent demand for microgrid (MG) . It consumes locally generated energy, integrates many units into one node, and reduces the complexity of power network configuration.
In this work, 48 V is taken as the DC microgrid voltage level, which is generally considered for DC systems along with other voltage levels such as 400, 325, 230, and 120 V. The telecommunication industry typically employs 48 V, which is deemed optimal for Low Voltage (LV) DC distribution systems.
While the centralized approach diminishes reliability due to a single point of failure 18, 19, decentralized control methods 20, 21, along with a sparse communication network and consensus-based algorithms 22, 23, have been suggested to address voltage variations in DC microgrids.