Thermal runaway and water existence in the cell are detrimental to lithium-ion batteries. The introduction of functional separator made of modified molecular sieve contributes to improve the thermal stability and decrease the water content in the cell.
This conceptually-new way in preparing safe and highly-efficient electrolyte by using low-price molecular sieve would accelerate the development of high-energy-density lithium-ion/lithium-metal batteries. The authors declare no conflict of interest.
The electrochemical properties of lithium metal batteries can be effectively improved by the various combination of cation, anion and additives in ionic liquids , , such as providing a wider electrochemical window, uniform the deposition of lithium ions and support the high rates cycling performance, etc , .
Solid-state lithium metal batteries with higher energy density and safety are regarded as the promising next-generation energy storage devices. Porous materials hybrid with ionic liquids are becoming an important solid electrolyte due to the high ionic conductivity and enhanced interfacial compatibility.
Anyone you share the following link with will be able to read this content: Lithium-ion batteries (LIBs) are currently the most important energy storage system. Separators in the battery play a critical role in terms of the rate ca
Fig. 5 a shows that the Li-X-30 electrolyte exhibits steady lithium plating-stripping and lowest overpotential of 50 mV at a current density and capacity of 250 μA·cm −2 and 250 μAh·cm −2 for 4000 h cycling consecutively, suggesting that a superior interface compatibility and uniform lithium ion deposition.