China is eyeing completing a gigawatt-level space-based power station, the Global Times learned from the Chinese Society of Astronautics space solar power commission on Sunday.
In 2015, Northrop Grumman Corporation in the U.S. sponsored a $17.5 million research over three years for the development of the Space Solar Power Initiative (SSPI). Duan proposed in late 2013 to kick off China's own initiative and then his team put forward China's tech approach of SSPS called OMEGA.
According to Li, the future space power station will likely have a scale of more than 10,000 tons, and to reach that goal, China needs to grasp the capability of wireless power transmission technology, which is a must and the greatest challenge in the process.
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A space solar power station, though seemingly belonging in the realm of science fiction, refers to the technology to generate electricity from solar energy and then transmit it wirelessly to another target in space or users on the Earth's surface.
The concept of collecting solar power in space was popularized by science fiction author Isaac Asimov in 1941. In 1968, Peter Glaser, an American aerospace engineer, wrote a formal proposal for a solar-based system in space.