This study investigated the practical potential of solar energy of urban buildings in China. A roof-facade framework was used to calculate the solar irradiation on roofs and facades using simplified 3D models of buildings.
But building an industry that can stand on its own will be difficult. China produces practically all of the world’s equipment for making solar panels, and almost all of the supply of every component of solar panels, from wafers to special glass.
Beijing is set to further increase its manufacturing and installation of solar panels as it seeks to master global markets and wean itself from imports. China unleashed the full might of its solar energy industry last year. It installed more solar panels than the United States has in its history.
Given the low-density layout and high-intensity development of China’s residential blocks, China’s residential communities have great potential for solar energy development. However, while BIPV and SWH technologies have been applied on a large scale, related theoretical studies are relatively insufficient.
The company’s U.S. projects could tap renewable energy manufacturing subsidies provided by President Biden’s Inflation Reduction Act. China’s cost advantage is formidable. A research unit of the European Commission calculated in a report in January that Chinese companies could make solar panels for 16 to 18.9 cents per watt of generating capacity.
Rooftops and buildings in China fitted with solar panels could match the current global capacity of the entire industry, according to new analysis.