International Bank for Reconstruction and Development, The World Bank, 2017. U.S. lead battery manufacturers currently source more than 83% of the needed lead from North American recycling facilities. Mineral Commodity Summaries 2023, U.S. Geological Survey, January 2023. On average, a typical new lead battery is comprised of 80% recycled material.
A typical lead–acid battery contains a mixture with varying concentrations of water and acid. Sulfuric acid has a higher density than water, which causes the acid formed at the plates during charging to flow downward and collect at the bottom of the battery.
In 2021, the lead battery industry invested nearly $113 million in research and innovation. The U.S. provides more than 165 GWh of annual lead battery manufacturing capacity. Supplying 50% of the world’s energy storage needs. *Updated Stat: Nearly 45% – Global rechargeable battery market supported by lead batteries.
The batteries contain large amounts of lead either as solid metal or lead-oxide powder. An average battery can contain up to 10 kilograms of lead.
One of the singular advantages of lead acid batteries is that they are the most commonly used form of battery for most rechargeable battery applications (for example, in starting car engines), and therefore have a well-established established, mature technology base.
Providing direct jobs in 38 states. In 2021, the lead battery industry invested nearly $113 million in research and innovation. The U.S. provides more than 165 GWh of annual lead battery manufacturing capacity. Supplying 50% of the world’s energy storage needs.