The business models for large energy storage systems like PHS and CAES are changing. Their role is tradition-ally to support the energy system, where large amounts of baseload capacity cannot deliver enough flexibility to respond to changes in demand during the day.
The independent energy storage model under the spot power market and the shared energy storage model are emerging energy storage business models. They emphasized the independent status of energy storage. The energy storage has truly been upgraded from an auxiliary industry to the main industry.
E Though the business models are not yet fully developed, the cases indicate some initial trends for energy storage technology. Energy storage is becoming an independent asset class in the energy system; it is neither part of transmission and distribution, nor generation. We see four key lessons emerging from the cases.
However, China's energy storage is developing rapidly. The government requires that some new units must be equipped with energy storage systems. The concept of shared energy storage has been applied in China, which effectively promotes the development of energy storage. 4.3. Explore new models of energy storage development
Building upon both strands of work, we propose to characterize business models of energy storage as the combination of an application of storage with the revenue stream earned from the operation and the market role of the investor.
There are three types of ancillary service business models for energy storage in China. As shown in Fig. 2, the first is the power generation company investment model. Power generation companies use existing funds or bank loans to build and operate energy storage through energy storage operating companies.