In essence, a photovoltaic cell is a high-tech method of converting sunlight into electricity. ... ... Solar cells, as an energy converter, works on the Photovoltaic effect, which aids in the direct conversion of sunlight into electricity, with the potential to meet future energy demands .
Additionally, point contact solar cells, variation of IBC cells with passivated base and emitter regions containing small openings for contact metallization, can reduce carrier recombination while enhancing output voltage [53, 64].
Contributions from photogenerated carriers in both the p- and n-type regions are obtained from optical Hall effect measurements of the solar cell under “light” 1 sun illumination (AM 1.5 solar irradiance spectrum).
Based on information gained from analysis of the dark measurements, minority carrier transport parameters in both the n- and p-type Si components of the Al-BSF solar cell are deduced from analysis of measurements collected under 1 sun illumination.
Provided by the Springer Nature SharedIt content-sharing initiative Electrical transport parameters for active layers in silicon (Si) wafer solar cells are determined from free carrier optical absorption using non-contacting optical Hall effect measurements.
In order to increase the worldwide installed PV capacity, solar photovoltaic systems must become more efficient, reliable, cost-competitive and responsive to the current demands of the market.