Play games that involve renewable energy sources, such as “Sun Power Memory” or “Solar Bingo.” These games not only entertain but also teach kids about different aspects of solar energy in a fun and interactive way. Use the sun’s power to create multi-colored crayons.
Small solar panels work the same way that their larger counterparts do, by taking energy from the sun through photovoltaic cells and directly powering a DC electrical device or by storing the energy for later use in a rechargeable battery. Small solar panels are available from a number of sources including Radio Shack and Amazon.
Explaining the basic principles of solar panels through interactive activities can make learning fun. Teaching children about solar energy empowers them to make environmentally conscious choices. By instilling a love for the environment at a young age, kids can become advocates for clean, renewable energy sources. How Do Solar Panels Work?
Experimenting with small solar panels is helpful in learning how solar energy works. Small scale solar panels are capable of producing only a few watts of power, but they can teach us much more about how larger solar panels are used to help power homes.
Many times, solar fields also include servo motors to help change the position of the solar panel to track the sun's position using a photoresistor sensor. Learn how to make an electrical circuit to power an LED using solar power. Use either lemons or potatoes to generate electricity. This experiment is a great to teach kids about energy storage.
Learn how to make an electrical circuit to power an LED using solar power. Use either lemons or potatoes to generate electricity. This experiment is a great to teach kids about energy storage. Make a simple battery using coins and other common items. Test the relationship between electricity and magnetism by making an electromagnet.