We demonstrate radial p-n junction silicon solar cells with micro-pillar array with higher short-circuit current and open-circuit voltage than comparable planar silicon solar cells. Micro-pillar array, fabricated by RIE, acts as an effective anti-reflection coating for visible light with less than 6% reflection.
Using this approach, the electronic properties of ABS films were systematically modulated, thereby enabling the design of planar p – n heterojunctions featuring favorable band alignment for solar cell applications.
Herein we propose a new equivalent circuit including double heterojunctions in series to simulate the current–voltage characteristic of P–I–N planar structure perovskite solar cells.
A universal and simple method to analyze current-voltage curves of planar heterojunction perovskite solar cells is proposed. The new method theoretically solves the dilemma of the parameter diode ideal factor being larger than 2. The dark current fitted with the new method helps to analyze physical processes of perovskite solar cells.
Realization of radial pn junction silicon nanowire solar cell based on low- temperature and shallow phosphorus doping Low-temperature UV ozone-treated high efficiency radial pn junction solar cells: N-Si NW arrays embedded in a p-Si matrix
The devices have a typical micro-structured radial p-n junction, but the area under the top contact is deliberately kept planar. The planarized contact combines the advantages of planar p-n junctions and radial junctions, enabling devices with high J SC, high V OC and high FF.