It converts power from a single solar module from DC electricity to 240v AC electricity and is attached to each panel in a solar system. A microinverter is also known as a solar microinverter. As a solar installer, providing microinverters to customers besides the traditional string inverters is likely to diversify your business.
The largest micro-inverter – the BYM2800 – is able to work with solar modules in the power range of 450 W to 750 W. It can achieve the same efficiencies as the BYM550 product.
To be clear up front, solar panels from the companies listed below are excellent performers with at least 25 years of expected life. As a rule, Chinese solar panels are as good as any others on the market. China produces around 80% of all solar panels, so like any product, there are cheaper offerings from less well-known companies.
APsystems is another leading manufacturer of solar microinverters. The company ranks No.2 in terms of global market share as one of the independent microinverter suppliers. The company offers powerful and advanced solar microinverter technology for both residential and commercial consumers systems.
China alone now accounts for nearly a third of global solar module demand; much of it used for mega-sized solar power plants and even giant floating solar farms. Second, China benefited (and continues to benefit) from its huge manufacturing base and low production costs.
Years of massive investment in clean energy in general, and solar in particular, propelled China into becoming the world’s biggest solar power producer. China alone now accounts for nearly a third of global solar module demand; much of it used for mega-sized solar power plants and even giant floating solar farms.