The orientation is composed of two parameters: direction and tilt angle. Select your timezone and enter your coordinates (latitude and longitude) to calculate the optimal orientation for fixed solar panels, twice adjusted solar panels, quarterly (seasonally) adjusted solar panels, and monthly adjusted solar panels.
The quickest way to use the calculator is to start from the width, then the height of the available mounting area and match the system size from there. Remember, where possible it is better to allow for space between the panels and the eaves, ridge and sides, mainly so wind can't get behind them and put pressure on their mountings.
Energy output estimates are based on the following calculation: kWhrs (kilowatt hours generated over a year) = kWp (max system size in kilowatts) x kk (Annual Solar Radiation (source: MCS Irradiance datasets) x SF (Shading Factor) Solar Panels can be mounted in portrait or landscape to best fit the available space.
The best angle or so called inclination/slope of the solar panels depends on the Latitude your location. The closer you are to the Equator, the lower is the angle. For each location, we have the optimal angle for the setups that can choose it. If you are going to mount the solar panels on your roof, we generated a few reports with different angles.
The optimal tilt angle of photovoltaic solar panels is that the surface of the solar panel faces the Sun perpendicularly. However, the angle of incidence of solar radiation varies during the day and during different times of the year.
The second factor, the tilt angle, is decided by the elevation angle of the sun, i.e., at what altitude the sun is. If the sun is high in altitude, then the tilt angle would be small and solar panels would be more horizontal. For low altitudes, the tilt angle is large, and solar panels are vertical.
Easy to use solar pv calculator that shows you the roof space needed, effects of panel orientation and roof slope, and even the difference between the counties of Ireland. [email protected] 091 …