An economic evaluation model for user-side energy storage considering uncertainties of demand response. In: IEEE International Power Electronics and Motion Control Conference, pp. 3221–3225 (2020) Hartmann, B., Divényi, D.: Evaluation of business possibilities of energy storage at commercial and industrial consumers–a case study. Appl.
This research is supported by National Key Research and Development Program of China (Grant No. 2018YFF0215903). Correspondence to Liu Haitao . © 2023 Beijing Paike Culture Commu. Co., Ltd. Rui, F., Haitao, L., Ling, J. (2023). Operation Analysis and Optimization Suggestions of User-Side Battery Energy Storage Systems.
Battery energy storage systems (BESSs) have been widely employed on the user-side such as buildings, residential communities, and industrial sites due to their scalability, quick response, and design flexibility. However, cell degradation is caused by the charging and discharging of batteries, which reduces the economy of BESSs.
Energy storage systems play an increasingly important role in modern power systems. Battery energy storage system (BESS) is widely applied in user-side such as buildings, residential communities, and industrial sites due to its scalability, quick response, and design flexibility , .
At the same time, it provides users with professional technical support and consulting services such as equipment debugging and safety protection to effectively ensure the high-quality construction and smooth operation of energy storage projects.
Battery energy storage systems (BESSs) employed on the industrial and commercial sites work as alternative load during low demand situation by storing the excess generation and work as alternative power generation source by discharging the stored generation during peak demand [ 2 ].