Deep underground energy storage is the use of deep underground spaces for large-scale energy storage, which is an important way to provide a stable supply of clean energy, enable a strategic petroleum reserve, and promote the peak shaving of natural gas.
Furthermore, underground space plays a crucial role in ensuring the operation of energy systems and providing space support for large-scale energy storage systems and energy conversion equipment (Chen et al., 2018, Cui et al., 2021).
The technologies considered in this article are: Underground Gas Storage (UGS), Underground Hydrogen Storage (UHS), Compressed Air Energy Storage (CAES), Underground Pumped Hydro Storage (UPHS) and Underground Thermal Energy Storage (UTES).
The proposed technology, called Underground Gravity Energy Storage (UGES), can discharge electricity by lowering large volumes of sand into an underground mine through the mine shaft.
Underground Thermal Energy Storage (UTES) A thermal energy storage is a system that can store thermal energy by cooling, heating, melting, solidifying or vaporizing a material , such as hot-water, molten-salt or a phase-change material. Sensible heat storage (SHS) relies on the temperature variation of a solid or liquid (e.g. water).
The solution to these key scientific and technological problems lies in establishing a theoretical and technical foundation for the development of large-scale deep underground energy storage in China. 1. Introduction China must urgently transition to low-carbon energy consumption in order to meet the challenges of global warming.