Tongwei Solar (TW-Solar) is the largest solar panel manufacturer in the world. TW-Solar shipped a whopping 38.1GW of solar modules in 2022, doubling Trina Solar's shipments and achieving an annual revenue of USD $20.57 billion (£16.2 billion). In August 2023, Tongwei Group made history as the first solar PV company on the Fortune Global 500 list.
Discover which companies are producing the highest number of solar panels around the world. China produces 86% of the world’s solar panels each year, according to Germany’s Fraunhofer Institute for Solar Energy Systems. In comparison, Europe and North America each produce around 2%.
The third largest solar panel manufacturer is Shanghai AIKO Energy Co. Ltd., which exported 30.7GWp of solar modules in 2022. AIKO’s sleek black N-type ABC (All Back Contact) monocrystalline glass modules have been consistently ranked as the world's most efficient panels (at 24% efficiency) since their launch in March 2023.
The top solar company is NextEra Energy with a market cap of $151.19 billion. All of the companies in our top 10 list have a market cap of at least $2.96 billion. Investopedia requires writers to use primary sources to support their work.
Solar companies are in a growth period, thanks to financial incentives in the Inflation Reduction Act of 2022. NextEra Energy, First Solar, and Enphase Energy are the top three solar companies, based on market cap. List leader NextEra Energy had a market cap of $151.19 billion as of June 2024. 1. NextEra Energy (NEE)
In terms of solar module by capacity, the 2011 global top ten are Suntech, LDK, Canadian Solar, Trina, Yingli, Hanwha Solar One, Solar World, Jinko Solar, Sunneeg and Sunpower, represented by makers in People's Republic of China and Germany.