Improving power grid resilience can help mitigate the damages caused by these events. Mobile energy storage systems, classified as truck-mounted or towable battery storage systems, have recently been considered to enhance distribution grid resilience by providing localized support to critical loads during an outage.
As a flexible energy storage solution, mobile energy storage also shows a trend of decreasing technical and economic parameters over time. Like fixed energy storage, the fixed operating costs, battery costs, and investment costs of mobile energy storage also decrease with the increase of years.
Mobile energy storage can improve system flexibility, stability, and regional connectivity, and has the potential to serve as a supplement or even substitute for fixed energy storage in the future. However, there are few studies that comprehensively evaluate the operational performance and economy of fixed and mobile energy storage systems.
When different resource types are applied, the routing and scheduling of mobile energy storage systems change. (2) The scheduling strategies of various flexible resources and repair teams can reduce the voltage offset of power supply buses under to minimize load curtailment of the power distribution system.
During emergencies via a shift in the produced energy, mobile energy storage systems (MESSs) can store excess energy on an island, and then use it in another location without sufficient energy supply and at another time , which provides high flexibility for distribution system operators to make disaster recovery decisions .
The energy storage system effectively solves the problem of supply and demand fluctuations in the power system, improving the stability and reliability of the power grid.