Can I recharge a completely dead sealed lead acid battery? Sealed Lead Acid batteries fall under the category of rechargeable batteries and if they are ignored, not charged after use, not charged properly or have reached the end of their intended life span, they are done.
Chemical energy is converted into electrical energy which is delivered to load. The lead-acid battery can be recharged when it is fully discharged. For recharging, positive terminal of DC source is connected to positive terminal of the battery (anode) and negative terminal of DC source is connected to the negative terminal (cathode) of the battery.
In a sealed lead acid battery, this can result in the buildup of pressure and temperature. There is a safety valve that will vent the gas, but often some of the electrolyte solution is ejected as well, which reduces the capacity of the battery. The lost capacity of an overcharged SLA can’t be recaptured.
Power Sonic recommends you select a charger designed for the chemistry of your battery. This means we recommend using a sealed lead acid battery charger, like the the A-C series of SLA chargers from Power Sonic, when charging a sealed lead acid battery. Sealed lead acid batteries may be charged by using any of the following charging techniques:
Proper maintenance of sealed lead-acid batteries involves regular charging and discharging cycles, keeping the battery clean and dry, and avoiding exposure to extreme temperatures. It is also important to check the battery’s voltage regularly and to replace it when necessary. What is the charging and discharging process of lead acid battery?
You can purchase a lead acid battery charger at most large home improvement stores. Buy a charger with a desulfation mode to maintain the performance of your battery. This mode will breakdown the lead sulfate crystals in your battery. Follow the directions in the owner’s manual that came with your specific battery to use this mode.