The true benefit is when an inductor AND a capacitor are in the circuit. Leading capacitive reactive power is opposite in polarity to lagging inductive reactive power. The capacitor supplies power to the inductor decreasing the reactive power the source has to provide. The basis for power factor correction. Select RLC in the reference.
Without it the motor would not work so it's dangerous to consider it is wasted, but it sort of is. Capacitors and Inductors are reactive. They store power in their fields (electric and magnetic). For 1/4 of the ac waveform, power is consumed by the reactive device as the field is formed.
The capacitor supplies 671VAR of leading reactive power to the lagging reactive power of the motor, decreasing net reactive power to 329VAR. The capacitor acts acts as a source for the inductor (motor coils). Electric field of capacitor charges up. As the electric field discharges, the magnetic field of coils form.
Resistor consumes and reactive device stores/sends power to source. The true benefit is when an inductor AND a capacitor are in the circuit. Leading capacitive reactive power is opposite in polarity to lagging inductive reactive power. The capacitor supplies power to the inductor decreasing the reactive power the source has to provide.
Capacitors and Inductors are reactive. They store power in their fields (electric and magnetic). For 1/4 of the ac waveform, power is consumed by the reactive device as the field is formed. But the next quarter waveform, the electric or magnetic field collapses and energy is returned to the source. Same for last two quarters, but opposite polarity.
Shunt-connected reactors reduce the line over-voltages by consuming the reactive power, while shunt-connected capacitors maintain the voltage levels by compensating the reactive power.