The lithium iron phosphate (LiFePO4) battery voltage chart represents the state of charge (usually in percentage) of 1 cell based on different voltages, like 12V, 24V, and 48V. Here is a LiFePO4 Lithium battery state of charge chart based on voltage for 12V, 24V, and 48V LiFePO4 batteries.
Lithium iron phosphate is technically proven to have the lowest capacity loss rate, so the effective capacity decays more slowly and has a longer cycle life. In the same condition, LiFePO4 battery has 50% more cycle life than NMC battery.
Individual LiFePO4 (lithium iron phosphate) cells generally have a nominal voltage of 3.2V. These cells reach full charge at 3.65V and are considered fully discharged at 2.5V. Understanding the voltage levels is crucial for monitoring battery health and performance.
Here is a LiFePO4 Lithium battery state of charge chart based on voltage for 12V, 24V, and 48V LiFePO4 batteries. Individual LiFePO4 cells typically have a 3.2V nominal voltage. The cells are fully charged at 3.65V, and at 2.5V, they become fully discharged. Here's a 3.2V battery voltage chart:
When the voltage increases, the battery capacity also increases. This means a 24V LiFePO4 battery has a higher capacity than a 12V battery of the same size. Charging: All the LiFePO4 batteries need a specific charging voltage and current for best performance.
LiFePO4 battery does not need to be float-charged. If the charger has a float voltage setting, it is recommended to set the float voltage at 13.6V. Then it will not have a charging effect on the battery. The charging temperature range for LiFePO4 batteries is 0°C to 55°C.