We’ve done the hard work for you: here are our top tips for finding and applying for solar projects worldwide. A good starting point is Solar Tenders Worldwide, a subscription service that lists live government tenders related to solar projects.
A good starting point is Solar Tenders Worldwide, a subscription service that lists live government tenders related to solar projects. In Europe, public sector tenders over a certain value (€428,000 for energy) must be published in the Official Journal of the European Union (OJEU).
As usual, the solar tender was significantly oversubscribed, luring 98 proposals of 493 MW in total, against a target of 100 MW. The awarded capacity was 100.55 MW, coming from 18 projects. The bid price ranged between EUR 0.0355/kWh and EUR 0.0521/kWh. January 2020, 609 MW awarded in 2nd solar-plus-storage tender.
Protecting the environment and developing the green economy is becoming a focus for businesses and property owners as well as utilities and governments. This is driving an increase in the number of solar photovoltaic (PV) tenders being issued to award contracts for project construction and maintenance.
November 2020, 369 MW of solar awarded under 6th Solar Auction. The Japanese Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI) has selected 368.8 MW solar power capacity under the country’s 6th solar auction wherein it sought proposals from projects with power generation capacity of 250 kW and above.
The goal is simple: to map out the PV module supply channels to the U.S. out to 2026 and beyond. Plans for a 50GW hybrid solar PV and wind project in Western Australia have progressed with the signing of a new collaboration agreement.