So it’s no surprise that more than 2.6 million Australians have turned to solar for their energy needs. Most of them will see significant reductions in their energy bills. But is it possible to achieve the dream of a $0 electricity bill – or, even better, a credit – when you install solar without batteries? The answer is yes. Here’s how you do it.
Most of them will see significant reductions in their energy bills. But is it possible to achieve the dream of a $0 electricity bill – or, even better, a credit – when you install solar without batteries? The answer is yes. Here’s how you do it. 1. Buy good quality components A solar system without batteries consists of panels and an inverter.
Yes, you can install your own solar panels. Sunstore Solar can provide professional installation, but we appreciate some people like to get stuck into a project. We designed our solar panel kits specifically for DIY solar panel installation projects. And what better project than providing energy security for your family or business?
This can be converted into electricity using solar photovoltaic panels, known as ‘solar PV’, installed on your roof. This electricity can power your home, save you money, and help to decarbonise grid supplied electricity. Solar PV systems – a collection of solar panels – turn sunlight into electricity through the ‘solar cells’ they contain.
Installed along with the inverter, a battery will help you to save money. And as an added bonus, VAT on solar panel installation is zero because it’s part of an energy saving solution. It’s a win-win!
Yes, you can go off-grid with your DIY solar panel installation. We have solar panel kits for both on-grid and off-grid use. They are the ideal solution to our energy requirements and can power any property or leisure vehicle. Conclusion