The following formulas and equations can be used to calculate the capacitance and related quantities of different shapes of capacitors as follow. The capacitance is the amount of charge stored in a capacitor per volt of potential between its plates. Capacitance can be calculated when charge Q & voltage V of the capacitor are known: C = Q/V
The property of a capacitor to store charge on its plates in the form of an electrostatic field is called the Capacitance of the capacitor. Not only that, but capacitance is also the property of a capacitor which resists the change of voltage across it.
Capacitors have the ability to store an electrical charge in the form of a voltage across themselves even when there is no circuit current flowing, giving them a sort of memory with large electrolytic type reservoir capacitors found in television sets, photo flashes and capacitor banks potentially storing a lethal charge.
The Average power of the capacitor is given by: Pav = CV2 / 2t where t is the time in seconds. When a capacitor is being charged through a resistor R, it takes upto 5 time constant or 5T to reach upto its full charge. The voltage at any specific time can by found using these charging and discharging formulas below:
C = Q/V If capacitance C and voltage V is known then the charge Q can be calculated by: Q = C V And you can calculate the voltage of the capacitor if the other two quantities (Q & C) are known: V = Q/C Where Reactance is the opposition of capacitor to Alternating current AC which depends on its frequency and is measured in Ohm like resistance.
t is the time in seconds. When a capacitor is being charged through a resistor R, it takes upto 5 time constant or 5T to reach upto its full charge. The voltage at any specific time can by found using these charging and discharging formulas below: The voltage of capacitor at any time during charging is given by: