We provide a range of energy storage testing and certification services. These services benefit end users, such as electrical utility companies and commercial businesses, producers of energy storage systems, and supply chain companies that provide components and systems, such as inverters, solar panels, and batteries, to producers.
Energy storage systems are reliable and efficient, and they can be tailored to custom solutions for a company’s specific needs. Benefits of energy storage system testing and certification: We have extensive testing and certification experience.
Energy storage systems (ESS) consist of equipment that can store energy safely and conveniently, so that companies can use the stored energy whenever needed.
We conduct custom research to help identify and address the unique performance and safety issues associated with large energy storage systems. Research offerings include: UL can test your large energy storage systems (ESS) based on UL 9540 and provide ESS certification to help identify the safety and performance of your system.
The Standard covers a comprehensive review of energy storage systems, covering charging and discharging, protection, control, communication between devices, fluids movement and other aspects.