The capacitors' life span is calculated by extrapolating the results of an ageing test. The IEC 61049 standard serves as the reference. The following calculation method is used: The ageing test involves submitting the capacitor to a test voltage greater than the rated voltage for a given period of time at the maximum operating temperature.
ENERDIS offers solutions adapted to the level of pollution: Standard 400 V capacitors and reinforced 440V or 500 V capacitors recommended for networks with low or average pollution Capacitors with an anti-harmonic inductive circuit for polluted networks Protecting capacitors with anti-harmonic inductive circuits
We use capacitors to supply the reactive power to the inductive receivers and to raise the displacement power factor (Cos ϕ). Summary When an energy supplier supplies reactive power, it overloads the lines and transformers.
Four "types of capacitors" are proposed, depending on the level of harmonic pollution (Sh/ Sn) : Standard type: voltage 400 V H type: reinforced voltage 440 V or 500 V SAH type: reinforced voltage + anti-harmonic inductive circuit FH type: harmonic filter. Survey of the installation by the Audit & Troubleshooting Department.
Automatic capacitor banks are used for centralized power factor correction at the main and sub distribution boards. Power factor correction means that reactive power charges imposed by electricity utilities can be avoided.
The IEC 60831 standard stipulates that the capacitors must be capable of operating for 1,500 hours with a voltage 25% higher than the rated voltage, without any short-circuits occurring and with a capacitance loss under 5%. For example, for a 400 V capacitor, the test is carried out with a voltage of 500 V.