Author to whom correspondence should be addressed. The internal resistance is the key parameter for determining power, energy efficiency and lost heat of a lithium ion cell. Precise knowledge of this value is vital for designing battery systems for automotive applications.
Conclusions Several methods for the determination of internal resistance of lithium ion batteries were used to measure the internal resistance. It was found that a feigned resistance is occurring by charging or discharging the battery when the internal resistance is determined by the voltage drop of long and high current charge or discharge pulses.
This study focuses on using balancing resistors to stimulate battery cells for impedance measurement. The value of impedance spectroscopy for in-depth battery cell diagnostics, such as temperature or aging, is currently being demonstrated and recognized by vehicle manufacturers, chip producers, and academia.
Provided by the Springer Nature SharedIt content-sharing initiative Active dissipative balancing systems are essential in battery systems, particularly for compensating the leakage current differences in battery cells. This study focuses on using balancing resistors to stimulate battery cells for impedance measurement.
Our research systematically explores the feasibility of using existing balancing resistors in battery management systems and identifies potential limitations. Here we propose a formula to minimize hardware requirements through signal processing techniques.
ncing is used. These methods are not only easy to implement but also provide good performa ce. These balancing circuits are integrated with non-ideal RC models of a lithium-ion battery. The bleed resistor based passive cell balancing took more than 16000 seconds to reach a 0.01V difference for capacito