In accordance with IEC Publication No. 60384-1 clause 6.2, tests A (Dielectric). Unless otherwise specified, the following details shall apply: Only applicable to type I capacitors. Minimum operating temperature rating ±2°C, as specified in the Detail Specification. +20 ±2°C (reference point).
Unless otherwise specified, the following details shall apply: Only applicable to type I capacitors. Minimum operating temperature rating ±2°C, as specified in the Detail Specification. +20 ±2°C (reference point). Maximum operating temperature rating ±2°C, as specified in the Detail Specification.
The requirements for the qualification of a component shall be in accordance with ESCC Basic Specification No. 20100. The requirements for Technology Flow Qualification and the listing of qualified component types shall be in accordance with ESCC Basic Specification No. 25400. Special In-Process Controls. Screening Tests.
The capacitor shall be placed across the d.c. power supply and shall be continually charged. It shall consist of very low ESR aluminium electrolytic capacitors , connected in parallel, having a capacitance of 20000μF minimum.
Conditioning prior to the first cycle shall be 15 minutes at standard atmospheric conditions as defined in IEC Publication No. 68-1. After a recovery period of 4 hours minimum, the capacitors shall be visually examined and there shall be no evidence of corrosion, mechanical damage or obliteration of marking.
The impedance of the voltage source, as seen from the terminals of each component shall not exceed 3.0Ω. Storage batteries or an electronic power supply, capable of supplying at least 1.0A when a capacitor is shorted, shall be used. Initial Measurements The capacitance value recorded during Para. 9.9, Mounting shall be used.