The dynamic model of multilayer ceramic capacitors (component model for simulation that can dynamically reflect the factors for differences in properties) that Murata offers allows a circuit simulation to highly accurately and dynamically reflect properties resulting from application of a temperature and a DC bias voltage.
In the end, the ideal model of a capacitor was shown to be insufficient for extremely accurate capacitor parameters at all but the closets plate separations. Of course, real capacitors have by their design very close plates to maximize capacitance, so the choice of method depends on one’s needs and situation.
It was also very useful for practicing using approximation methods based on fundamental physics to solve an otherwise complicated problem. In the end, the ideal model of a capacitor was shown to be insufficient for extremely accurate capacitor parameters at all but the closets plate separations.
portional to switch area and thus areproportional to switch conductanc . To compensate for parasitic loss, the capacitors must b made larger toallow for a lower switching freq ency and parasitic loss. If the FSL impedance was made lower inste oss would increase as the switch conductances increase.5 Control Methods
SSL output impedance (scaled by switching frequency as it does not effectthe minimizatio ) and the second t i C2 λ (vc,i(rated))22i∂L 1= (vc,i(rated))2Ci − Etot , the optimal capacitor energies are proportional to th product of theirrated voltage and their charge mul
c capacitor’s loss can be related to its voltage swing during a period. During each period, the capacitor is charged and discharge between voltages 1 and v2, to charge levels q1 and q2, respectively, as during a single period corresponds to:Ecap = ∆v · ∆q = C∆v2,(11)where the second equa ity in equatio is equal to