The lead–acid battery standardization technology committee is mainly responsible for the National standards of lead–acid batteries in different applications (GB series). It also includes all of lead–acid battery standardization, accessory standards, related equipment standards, Safety standards and environmental standards. 19.1.14.
The regulations in 40 CFR part 60, subpart KK, only include a requirement to conduct an initial performance test to demonstrate compliance with the emissions standards for each type of equipment at lead acid battery manufacturing plants.
The EPA also set GACT standards for the lead acid battery manufacturing source category on July 16, 2007. These standards are codified in 40 CFR part 63, subpart PPPPPP, and are applicable to existing and new affected facilities.
The NSPS applies to all lead acid battery manufacturing plants constructed, reconstructed, or modified since January 14, 1980, if they produce or have the design capacity to produce batteries containing 5.9 megagrams (6.5 tons) or more of lead in one day.
1. NSPS The EPA has found through the BSER review for this source category that there are 40 existing lead acid battery manufacturing facilities subject to the NSPS for Lead-Acid Battery Manufacturing Plants at 40 CFR part 60, subpart KK.
The EPA estimates that, of the 40 existing lead acid battery manufacturing facilities in the U.S., all are subject to the NSPS, and 39 facilities are subject to the NESHAP. One facility is a major source as defined under CAA section 112 and is therefore not subject to the area source GACT standards.
Charge the battery fully at least 8 hours before testing it. Lead acid batteries recharge in various manners based on their function and manner of installation. For a lead acid vehicle battery, drive the vehicle around for at least 20 minutes. For a lead acid battery connected to …